Huron Churches
Adopt a School 2023 Update Anyone who welcomes a little child like this in my name, welcomes me……Mark 9:37a For the first time since Covid, Woodlands welcomed back Breakfast Buddies! Students so look forward to this! Suzy Sanders recently joined veteran Chris Hakeman as a Breakfast Buddy. Can you imagine these two smiling faces greeting you on Friday mornings during breakfast?! Thanks, also to Jennifer Johnson for being so welcoming and helpful to our volunteer Breakfast Buddies. My hope and prayer is that we will have Breakfast Buddies at every school Monday through Friday! I know it is lofty, but imagine the students’ lives we could impact? We started the year making prayer cards. As in the past, we put each teacher and homeroom students’ first name, on a card. These were handed out to “Prayer Angels” from participating churches, who agreed to pray for that teacher and his/her students’ for the year. Thanks to former teacher Sue Schontz DuBray and other volunteers from Christ Episcopal Church, who have helped with this for many years! Also to Kelly, Rita and Kathie for the class lists. And a HUGE thank you to all who prayed. This is the most participated in activity that we do and the most powerful!!! Thank you to the four tutors who volunteered this school year. Alice Roehrs returned to Molly Ryan’s fourth grade class, Leslie Foxworth again tutored math in Molly Pisano’s classroom. They have been reliable for many years!!! Thanks also to new volunteers this spring, Sharon Gallagher and Loretta Majoy, both who tutored in Kristy Young’s third grade class. Twice this year, near the beginning of each Semester, our “Prayer Warrior” teams prayed while walking through each of the school buildings. Each of them had a list of Board members, Administrative staff, Bus Drivers, teachers and supporting staff, for which to pray. They also prayed for students, families, and any special concerns submitted by staff. Many thanks to the following volunteers, who were part of a “Prayer Warrior” team: Dave and Dot Baynes, Walter Baughman, Geri Bryan, Diane Dudenhoefer, Elvie DeFazio, Gary Eisnor, Susan Eisnor, Steve Fisher, Father Mike Floyd, Leslie Foxworth, Donna Gassett, Judy Halter, Jeri Hartley, Elizabeth Laffay, Jane Leimeister, Sally Majoy, Terry Mazure, Patti Norcutt, Shelia Preston, Tom Preston, Pastor Pamela, Diana Smith and Cathy Wunderle, A new initiative this year began with a request from a Woodlands staff person for us to not only pray FOR the staff, but to pray WITH them as well! Thus, we initiated a before school “Breakfast/Meet and Greet where some of the Prayer Warriors and Prayer Angels met staff about once per month in the library for “Donuts and Devotions”. Many thanks to Susan Eisnor, Donna Gassett, Diana Smith, and Gary Eisnor who led devotions. Additionally, a huge shout out to Terri Blake, Geri Bryan, Walter Baughman, Sue DuBray, Shelia Preston and Danielle Wise. They showed up bright and early, and contributed Egg casserole, French Toast casserole, muffins, OJ, and wonderful conversation! A big thank you goes out to Rita Moscioni as well, who faithfully made coffee each time we met. I would be remiss in not mentioning past tutors Karen Munsterman, KC Wittmer Sharon Velliquette, and Jack Arthur, past Breakfast Buddies Jerry Taylor, Betty Weyer, George Toldy and Gary Eisnor. Although for one reason or another can’t be in the school now, their many years of helping in the past is greatly appreciated!!!! We may never know the influence you may have left on young lives! We look forward to growing Adopt A School participation back to pre-Covid levels and beyond! We also look ahead with anticipation to the merging of schools and how we can be supportive of the staff and students during these changes. Praying for a smooth transition and for a blessed time of refreshing for all of you this spring and summer! God’s grace and mercy to you! Sincerely, Beth Fisher Churches involved Christ Episcopal Church – Church Coordinator – Sue DuBray First Presbyterian Church – Church Coordinator – Cynthia Brown Huron United Methodist Church – Church Coordinator – Janessa Faller St. Peters Church – Not officially on board, but we have some wonderful, involved volunteers that help immensely. The Chapel – Church Coordinator – Beth Fisher Zion Lutheran – Church Coordinator – Leslie Foxworth School Coordinators: Tracy Harbal and Meredith Cotteril, along with help from Kathie and Rita, who help with all kinds of paperwork, computer help, etc. when needed! Comments are closed.
Christ ChurchCommunity in Christ Archives
May 2023