The Vestry met in a special session on Wednesday, January 5, at 7 pm via zoom. The question had been raised within the Vestry as to how we should proceed with our worship practices given rising infection rates and hospitalizations. The Vestry had a candid and forthright discussion. At the conclusion of that discussion Vestry made the following decisions: 1) We will continue, when a Priest is present and available, to provide Communion in both kinds. With the established protocols for a) intinction b) communion from the common cup. 2) We will continue to serve Communion at the Altar rail. 3) The Usher on Sundays mornings will direct groups of five or six to come to the rail for Communion. This will hopefully reduce congestion in the aisle and at the rail. 4) We will continue to recommend masks for all those attending worship. We will provide paper masks, these will be offered to anyone who arrives at church without one. 5) Coffee Hour has been suspended. The gathering in a confined space without masks was a concern to the Vestry. 6) Vestry will actively seek communication from the Parish on how they feel as we move forward. Particularly during Fr. Mike's absence on Sabbatical. Grace and peace to all who worship with us and seek to be in relationship with Christ Church ~Fr. Mike and The Christ Church Vestry New Best Practices for In-Person Gatherings & Change to Sunday Morning Services
The Vestry met with Fr Mike in a special meeting after church last week. They reviewed the Bishop's letter and best practices for us here at Christ Church. The Vestry was in agreement that the overall feeling here at Christ Church was that as the Bishop suggested, each church should look at their individual circumstances and institute the procedures which best suit their individual needs. After discussion of each facet of the Bishop's letter (see link below to read the letter), the following procedures were decided upon: Christ Church will return to one 10:00 AM Sunday service starting on June 27. Masks will no longer be required. Mask wearing will be a "matter of conscience" for the individual. Trusting that those who do not wear masks have been fully vaccinated. Blocked pews will be opened and social distancing will be by self regulation. Full communion will be reinstated. Fr Mike will distribute the wafers and there will be two chalice bearers, one for intinction and one for sipping. Coffee hour will be reinstituted directly after worship, offering prepackaged food in the church basement. All of the above will start as of June 27th in order to give time to organize all procedures. Also discussed were the following points: ~ Restarting of the Adult Forum at 9 am which will begin as soon as it can be organized. ~ Choir will sing at the outdoor 4th of July service but will not sing during the summer. Regular choir will resume in the fall. ~ The hot water heater will be checked and fixed in time to clean for Coffee Hour. ~ A full opening celebration will be planned for and held in the fall. Fr. Mike stressed that we should be thinking of reinvigorating the church rather than “returning to what went before.” We should draw from our traditions but continue to move forward as we had been doing before the pandemic. |
June 2023
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